CERB provides training programs for visually impaired students in Athens and in Thessaloniki, with the following specialties:

Transcribers of discourses and minutes of meetings.
Nowadays, technology offers accessibility to information systems and applications. We aim to train professionals to expand their knowledge in the field of every audio text transcribing process in an appropriate format. The training takes place in a room equipped with computers and the latest information technology according to the required standards. The program is implemented in Athens and Thessaloniki.
Computer and telephone operator – customer service and information for the blind.
When someone is trained in this domain, he / she holds the technical knowledge, skills and qualifications that enable him / her to provide any kind of information and service to customers of a company or organization, as an operator of the call center, using any specialized CRM software.
The training takes place in a room with a complete and highly sophisticated system of voice and data network. In fact, an internal call center enables learners to interact with each other (virtual conversation – service). The program is implemented in Athens and Thessaloniki.
Physical therapy Assistant for the visually impaired.
CERB provides students with all the equipment for their education. The program is carried out under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and implemented by Public Training Schools of Special Education. It is implemented in Thessaloniki.


Computer and telephone operator training

Εκπαίδευση στη χρήση Η-Υκαι τηλεφωνικών κέντρων

The call center of customer relationship management

Το τηλεφωνικό κέντρο του Συστήματος Διαχείρισης Σχέσεων πελατών (CRM)